Welcome to Latin America
  Your Personal Travel Experience




You are going on a fascinating trip to discover new lands. You will be creating, discovering, and developing an understanding of the history and culture of a Latin American country. You will each have a folder to record information and store activities and documents. A grade sheet will also be included in your folder. You must keep track of these items as it will go towards your overall grade of the project.

The first link I want you to visit is the CALENDAR. This calendar will show you what you are expected to work on during the course of this project. This calendar will also show you due dates for the separate assignments for the unit.

You will follow along and complete each activity in sequential order. You will also need to visit Mrs. Ragland's QUIA class page. There you will find links to more activities and games.

The Latin American Track 1 and 2 are links where you will find different websites to assist you in finding information for your final research report. You will need to work through these websites daily to help you gather the information you need.

You must first choose a country from the list included on the tracks. Click on them and explore a new world. Write the name of the country you choose on your folder's cover.

Task 1: You will begin planning your trip. Decide how many days you will visit your country. Click on the link "travel plans" to find plane tickets and hotel rooms for your destination. You need to make sure you click "package" on the main page. This will allow the computer to find you deals with hotel, air fare, and car rental if you will need one. If you are having trouble putting in a destination, please see me as soon as possible. Please ask Mrs. Ragland if you are not sure what to click on. Once you have figured out your travel plan, print the page and place it in your folder. It must include your flight #, airfare, and hotel expenses.

Task 2: You will need to create a passport in order to leave the country. Click on the link to see how to make a passport, what it looks like, and how to make it. You will need to print the passport worksheet in order to complete the activity. Please only print one copy per person. Create the passport using materials in the classroom. You will need to include a photo of yourself. Do not go to the next task, until this has been completed.

**Click on QUIA activity 1--play the game and then return to your task list. Make sure you login using your QUIA password information to receive credit for the activity.

Task 3: You will be creating a travel brochure to inspire others to take a trip to your country. Click on the link for directions on how to complete this brochure. This link will give you information and examples of what needs to be included on your travel brochure.

***click on QUIA activity #2 and complete this before going on to the next task. Make sure you log in using your QUIA login information to get credit for this activity.

TASK 4: Let's take a detour to the Rainforest. Click on the QUIA activity #3 link and go on a Scavenger Hunt. You will type your answers in the boxes under each question. Again, remember to use your QUIA login information to receive credit for this activity. Have fun and keep track of things that you learn as you may need them later.

Task 5: Click on the rainforest video link and view the video. It may not take you directly to the video page, if it does not, you will need to put my login information in order to retrieve the video. Please see me when you get to this point. As you are watching the video write five facts that you learned from the video and place it in your folder. Be sure to include your full heading and the name of the video.

LOGIN INFORMATION: To get into the Hotlist Eduhound link, you will need to put the following information in when you access the page.
username: raglansm Access Code: Latin America
This link provides fun and interesting information that you could add to your final report. Please take time to look through the links that are included in this hotlist. I think you will find some very interesting information.

**You will complete the final exam after we have completed the book work and this project. Do not access that link until you are instructed to do so.

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