Nadia, our brave Afghan friend

We all admire your intelligence and strength!


Nadia is a very brave Afghan girl, 21 years old. In the past she had to adopt her dead brother’s personality to be able to work and support her whole family.
When she was 8, a bomb destroyed her house and her beautiful face. She came to Barcelona in October 2006 to undergo surgery.
“Pau Vila” students wrote warm “get well”
messages in English which gave her a lot of
encouragement. Soon after, she came
personally to our school to thank students and to talk about her country’s problems. Our boys and girls were really happy to meet her and gave her flowers,cookies with smiling faces and their songs recorded and
translated in English. Some students are still in touch with her though e-mails. She said to them:
““Learning English has been
easy for me.
The hardest part was getting familiar with your alphabet.
Now it will be very easy for me to learn
Catalan, Spanish, French...”


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