Rocks and Minerals Review

Earth Science



1. How is an igneous rock formed?

2. How is a sedimentary rock formed?

3. How is a metamorphic rock formed?

4. What is weathering?

5. What do rocks turn into that undergo weathering?

6. What happens when the magnitude of the earthquake increases?

7. Where does an earthquake begin?

8. How is an earthquakes strength measured?

9. What is the center of an earthquake called?

10. What is the job of a seismograph?

11. What is the job of erosion?

12. List three forces of nature that cause erosion?

13. What is deposition?

14. How is a delta formed and where is it located?

15. List the following terms in order from what happens first to last.
deposition erosion delta

16.What is a mineral?

17. Name how one would classify minerals?

18. From MOH's Hardness Scale, what will a diamond scratch? What will Apatite scratch? What will Talc scratch?

19. Where is magma formed?

20. What is released from a volcano?

21. What do young mountains look like?.

22. What do old mountains look like?.

23. Which type of mountains, old or young, have under gone more weather and erosion?

24. List the layers. Start with the layer we live on and proceed inward.

25. How does the rock cycle begin and end?


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